Growing up in New York a dear friend of mine was in a devastating motorcycle accident breaking his back and crushing his foot. As I watched and did my best to participate in his healing journey my interest in a drugless, nonsurgical approach to healing grew. Although I was grateful for emergency medicine and the surgeries that helped him to walk again, I saw a need for more. It was clear that the permanent effects of the accident changed the way he walked, and moved around. So my interest in Biology and eventually chiropractic began.
I attended undergraduate school at Hofstra University, attaining a Bachelors in Biology in 1993, while making several trips to China studying Mandarin and where I first became acquainted with acupuncture.
In 1997, I obtained my Doctor of Chiropractic at Life University. Upon my graduation from Life, I started working as a Chiropractor. Between 1997 – 2006, I practiced Network Chiropractic in New York City, employing the science and art of increasing awareness to each individual. Imparting the skills of connecting ones breath, movement and emotional release to increase flexibility. It was my great joy to be an instrument for growth via minimal spinal corrections, soft tissue manipulation and the instruction of self-correction and supportive exercises to promote self-reliance and self-correction.
From 2006 – 2015, my family and I relocated to Quebec, Canada. During that time, I had the opportunity to work with the lovely rehab team of Physical Park Fitness, Vaudreuil, Quebec, Canada employing Interactive Metronome to assist people in reaching their various goals. I utilized my experience, skills and knowledge base of ergonomics, sports rehabilitation, traumatic brain injury rehabilitation, child development, gross and fine motor use to optimize biomechanics, attention and energy.
My family and I moved back to the US in 2015 and I started my US’ Chiropractic again. My commitment is to focus on releasing blockages in structure so that you can experience optimal function, health and wellness.
I believe our bodies haven’t all read the same book and so I use a varied approach to assisting each practice member in finding the root cause -be it spinal misalignment or another cause such as repetitive stress, compensation for the stresses of daily life or a hip misalignment, -releasing that tension via one of many gentle types of adjustments, then teach how to strengthen to maintain future function. Have your spine checked for misalignments and interference at every age. Using technology and specialized techniques I’ll gently correct what I find.